Located in Tehachapi, California, 46 miles southeast of the City of Bakersfield on State Highway 58.
601 Tentative map lots, with 428 Active Adult Community lots (Tract 6218) and 173 single family residential lots (Tract 6723) on 132.13 acres, within the City Limits.
Current lot counts includes:
~ 142 Active Adult (Duplex units) = Tract 6218 Phase 1
~ 145 3,100 SF Active Adult Lots = Tract 6218 Phase 2
~ 141 4,500 SF Active Adult Lots = Tract 6218 Phase 3
~ 75 8,000-SF single family lots = Tract 6723 Phase 1
~ 98 8,000-SF single family lots = Tract 6723 Phase 2
The tentative map is still under development. Please contact us for current lot count and lot sizes.
The north boundary of the property fronts on Valley Blvd. (State Highway 202), and Pinion St. currently dead-ends at the southwest corner of the property.
All utilities available.
The new Tehachapi High School is immediately adjacent to the site.
Tompkins Grammar School is approximately 1/4 of a mile to the southwest.
Located 1/2 mile south of the City's central business district.
Located 1 mile east of major retail services at the intersection of Valley Blvd. and Tucker Rd.
Kern County APN 417-012-01, 25, 27 & 28
- For more information please contact:
John Pierce
Tower Investments, LLC
250 W. Main St., Suite 101
Woodland, CA 95695
(530) 668-1000 - telephone
(530) 666-5574 - facsimile