- Located in Ione, California, 40 miles southeast of Sacramento on State Highway 104, at the intersection of State Highway 104 and Castle Oaks Drive.
- Located in the Castle Oaks Golf and Country Club subdivision just minutes from downtown Ione, and 45 minutes from downtown Sacramento, this property comprises the remainder of the residential portion of the development on 167.255 acres divided into 503 single family residential lots, a 96-unit multi-family parcel and a 105-unit condominium parcel as well as 20.063 acres of commercial and a 7.021 acre motel site. Total project acreage=194.339
- 503 Single Family Residential Lots divided into six residential "villages:"
- Village 1 = 99 SFR Lots Phase II - Village 2 = 75 SFR Lots Phase III - Village 3 = 65 SFR Lots Phase III - Village 4 = 91 SFR Lots Phase III - Village 5 = 97 SFR Lots Phase III - Village 6 = 76 SFR Lots Phase III
- The majority of the SFR lots front onto the existing Castle Oaks Golf Course. - Lot sizes range in size from 8,000 minimum (in certain areas of Sutter Lane and Oak Ridge Drive) to 10,000 sq.ft. - Expired Tentative Tract Map. - Expired Development Agreement. - City of Ione is amenable to fast-tracking the map reinstatement process for Village 1 ("Phase II"). All utilities are available for this village and below-ground infrastructure is in place. - Due to 1998 modifications to the Tentative Map, some of the SFR lots of Village 1 will have to be modified. - Amador County assessor parcel number 05-320-036
- Multi-Family Residential Parcel is identified as "Lot H" on the Tentative Map:
- This 7.9 acre parcel is a part of assessor parcel number 05-320-036 - Designed for an estimated 96 multi-family residential units - No golf course frontage
- Condominium Parcel is identified as "Lot E" on the Tentative Map:
- This 11.06 acre parcel was designed for an estimated 105 condominium units - Located on Castle Oaks Drive across from the Golf Course Clubhouse - Amador County assessor parcel number 05-320-033 - Utilities and infrastructure available via Castle Oaks Drive
- Commercial Parcel is identified as "Lot N" on the Assessor Parcel Map
- This 20.063 acre parcel is designed for general commercial development - Amador County assessor parcel number 05-320-031 - Good frontage along State Highway 104
- Motel Site Parcel is identified as "Lot J" on the Assessor Parcel Map
- This 7.021 acre parcel is designed for motel development - Amador County assessor parcel number 05-320-035 - Good frontage along State Highway 104
- For further information, please contact:
Chris Welborn Tower Investments, LLC 250 W. Main St., Suite 101 Woodland, CA 95695 (530) 668-1000 - telephone (530) 666-5574 - facsimile chriswelborn@towerinv.com www.towerinv.com