Located in Wheatland, Yuba County, California, 35 miles northeast of the City of Sacramento.
1,020 feet of frontage on, and excellent visibility from, State Highway 65, a major Sacramento-area cummuter corridor.
Parcel is 330 feet deep.
Traffic Count of 18,500 Average Annual Daily Traffic (Southbound) and 18,200 AADT (Northbound).
Zoned C-3 (Commercial); permitted uses include, but are not limited to:
- Restaurants
- Motel
- Retail
- Convenience Markets
- Professional Offices
- Warehouses
- Grocery Store
Parcel is located approximately 4 miles from the Sacramento Valley Amphitheater ($25 million, 20,000-seat concert facility which opened in June 2000).
1,800 residential units within and adjacent to the City are currently under construction or in the planning stages.
Yuba County APN 15-140-048.
- For more information please contact:
Stephen Marks, Jr.
Tower Investments, LLC
250 W. Main St., Suite 101
Woodland, CA 95695
(530) 668-1000 - telephone
(530) 666-5574 - facsimile