Tower Hosts Womens Veterans Photo Shoot at Natomas Pointe Plaza
By Press Release
March 2, 2017
Tower Investments was pleased to host James R. Morrison Photography at its Natomas Pointe Plaza property in Sacramento for a photo shoot related to the She Also Served Project that recognizes women veterans, their service to our country and the contributions they make to our communities. The photo shoot today was for Danielle Marshall, a US Air Force veteran, who served as a clinical lab specialist at Travis Air Force Base between 1998 and 2004 working with the Blood Donor UTC Team, as well as a Phase II & Nurse Transition Program Phlebotomy Instructor, among other positions. Currently a business consultant who specializes in assisting small companies in business development, organizational management and leadership training, Marshall has made a change-into fashion consulting.
Her portrait, grade replica watches along with other women veterans highlighted in the project, will appear in the second volume of the book “What Does A Woman Veteran Look Like? Ten Women Answer The Question.” The book has been chosen to be included in the Pacific Library Partnership’s “Veteran Connect @ The Library” centers throughout California. Tower Investments is proud to have assisted in this project that highlights women veterans and their contributions to the US armed forces and our local communities.
Please click here for more information about the She Also Served Project.
Please click here for more information about the Veterans Connect @ The Library program.